HSA Tutoring


Build Unbreakable Confidence

Achieve your best SAT score. with personalized tutoring from Harvard students who have scored 1570+ on the SAT. Our tutors offer proven strategies for tackling reading, writing, and math, including quick passage analysis and tips for difficult math problems. 

After booking, you'll be connected with your tutor within 24 hours to begin scheduling sessions and receive access to our SAT testing platform with over 20 practice exams.


Our Structured Approach

Devoted to making your weaknesses into strengths, our 20+ digital practice tests allow our tutors to address areas of improvement and monitor growth. A typical session includes...

  • Review of the assigned practice test from the previous session
  • Deep dive into difficult concepts with step-by-step explanation
  • Goal setting for the next practice exam and setting long-term milestones

Devoted to Excellence

100% Money Back Guarantee

Your only obligations as a student are to attend all scheduled sessions and complete every assigned homework. After trying a second tutor to no avail, you are eligible for a refund.

Please note, refund requests will not be issued for packages with over 3 hours of completed sessions. A 50% refund will be issued to students with 2 to 3 hours of completed sessions.