HSA Tutoring Research Scholars
Read academic works across a multitude of disciplines from alumni of our Research Scholars Program
LWL | Video Game Addiction
This paper is about the understanding and evaluation of whether video game addiction is a legitimate disorder. Through fundamentally understanding...
LWL | Legalize Drugs
Decriminalisation of illicit drug use has proven to be an ineffective measure at reducing, or even controlling, drug use. Sources...
LWL | Individual Identity
The concept of conformity refers to the psychology behind changing an individual's feelings, beliefs, or opinions to fit in with...
To Study the Impact of Media Multitasking to Draw Correlations Between Different Age Segments
By Siddharth Gupta Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of media multitasking on cognitive,...
LWL | The Silenced Killer
By Dwita Dave Her doctors told her that she was just “anxious”, “working too hard”, “stressed”, or even that she...
LWL | Effects of Parabens on the Female Endocrine System
By Rania HatIpoğlu Abstract Parabens are a popular group of synthetic preservatives. Their use in common consumer goods has increased through...
LWL | Importance of a places history: The affect on culture
By Jhashith Tulla Abstract History has a huge impact on our lives, though it may go unnoticed at most times but...
LWL | The Extent to Which Dream Analysis Provides Long-term Benefits in Comparison to Imagery Rehearsal Therapy
By Annabella Coleman Thesis: Dream analysis provides more long-term psychological benefits than imagery rehearsal therapy. Abstract: This paper consists of comparing...